
Many countries around the world have recognized the need for using an electronic health record (EHR) system. However, there is limited literature that could serve as a guide during a lengthy and challenging process of planning, development, and implementation of the e-Health system. Since the EHR system was recently introduced in Serbia, the purpose of this communication is to describe our experience and lessons learned along the way. The key personnel involved in the implementation of the EHR system in Serbia that began in 2015 conducted in 2019 a retrospective narrative review of the process and early outcomes. An incremental approach in the planning, development, and implementation of the nationwide EHR system was taken. The process was split into phases with the gradual introduction of different regions of the country. The gradual shift from the existing to a new workflow for the prospective users was also implemented. The significant milestones were the achievement of quick legislative changes, the hiring of a professional team of experts in the field, the provision of timely and appropriate information and training to prospective users, the close collaboration between the implementation team and the Ministry of Health and mutual understanding of the aims and expectations, and the flexibility in accepting the evolving nature of the process, goals, and the system model. A successful implementation of the nationwide EHR system is feasible providing careful planning, the assembly of a multi-disciplinary team, the use of a stepwise approach, the early and continued involvement of the intended users, and the willingness to make adjustments along the way. The end-result sets the stage for the reform of the health care system itself.

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