
Paper presents assumptions to build simulation model allowing computational experimentation and inference on impact of various factors on transport modal split and the impact that transport has on environment. It presents a general mathematical model of environmentally friendly transport system and characterizes particular elements of this model. The structure of transport network is mapped with a graph. The characteristics describing elements of this structure, vehicles, and characteristics of harmful compounds emission are given. Model will be implemented in PTV VISUM environment – a tool supporting planning of transport processes as well as analysis and designing of transport systems. The model of proecological transport system developed in PTV VISUM will consist of model of demand for both passenger and freight transport, and model of transport network cooperating with various means of transport. Road and rail vehicles for passenger and freight transport are characterized and divided into groups according to type of fuel and harmful emission. The demand for transport services and emission of exhaust gases components are reflected in model of proecological transport system of Poland. The last part of paper presents a sample of preliminary research on estimating emission from particular type of vehicle.

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