
June 6. 2019, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine implemented the Law "Professional preliminary Education". The law defines the procedure, conditions, forms and features of obtaining professional preliminary education and regulates social relationships, that arise in the process of realization of the constitutional human rights on education, rights and responsibilities of individuals and legal entities that take places in the realization of this rights, as well as competence of governmental agencies and local self-government agencies in the field of professional preliminary education. The new mission of professional preliminary education has aimed to bring it on the new level, change people’s attitudes to this education and provide the labor market with certain specialists. 
 Nowadays, from successful implementation of the declared provisions of the law determines whether a professional junior bachelor will become competitive and in demand in the labor market. Implementation of the law is in a full swing. Currently, in realization the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of 24.09.2019 №1228 "On approval of the action plan for the preparation of draft acts necessary to ensure the implementation of the Law of Ukraine of 6 June 2019 № 2745-VIII "professional preliminary education".
 The implementation of the law "Professional preliminary Education" at Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University began with bringing up documentation in line with the law. By the rector’s order of IFNMU №94 from January 31. 2020, the type of college was changed to "professional medical college". During the conference, IFNMU staff agrees to the changes that were made to the Statute of the University regarding the name "professional medical college". The rector’s order of IFNMU № 1363-d on November 25.2020 approved the "Regulations on the professional medical college of Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University". Basic questions of the college functioning (general provisions, concept of educational activity, powers of the university, volume of fixed assets, powers of governing agencies and public self-government agencies; procedure for electing representatives to public self-government agencies; rights and responsibilities of the head of professional medical college; funds and property of a professional medical college, the order of reporting and control over the implementation of financial and economic activities) approved in this regulations.
 According to this thesis, the professional medical college is a structural subdivision of the university, which carries out educational activities under the educational and professional programs of training junior bachelors (junior specialists).
 Also in November 2020, the following documents regulates the activities of the college came into act: "Regulations on the cycle commission of the professional medical college IFNMU", "Regulations on the branch of the professional medical college of Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University", "Regulations on certification of pedagogical workers in the college of Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University","Regulations on the pedagogical council of the professional medical college of Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University","Regulations on the organization of the educational process in the professional medical college of IFNMU".
 The important step in the implementation of the law will be the development of new educational professional programs for professional junior bachelors.
 Realizing a systemic reform in the field of professional preliminary education, aimed to achieve educational needs of citizens in obtaining quality education with a focus on practical activities and become an urgent need.

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