
Nowadays home automation is used increasingly with the help of Smartly controlling home devices. With the plenty of manufacturers and the latest technologies, the usage of home automation is up to the mark. Firstly, from a social point of view, human care is very essential for physically challenged and elderly people. Secondly, it is implemented using a single Raspberry Pi controller. The controller controls and monitors many home appliances that are interconnected to form a home network. For example, the home appliances such as lights, Fans, temperature and humidity sensors, gas leakage detectors, smoke detectors, and fire detectors can be controlled by a single controller. It also includes the establishment of security and emergency alert systems in case of an emergency. So, this leads to an idea to develop a smart home controlling system for physically challenged people. The system developed must be low cost, low power consumption, cheaper, cost-effective, flexible and it should be user-friendly interface, same as the usage of the remote control of various electronic gadgets in our day-to-day life. It should be designed as user-friendly, so that the person can use it very easily and effectively same as, other hand-held devices. In this paper, a smartly controlling system was developed especially for physically challenged and elderly people. This was done by integrating Raspberry Pi and various sensors into the web applications. To design this system, a Raspberry Pi module along with a voice control technique is used. The output of this system is to control home appliances. All the home appliances are simply controlled by connecting through a monitor built on the internet. Raspberry Pi is used to operate and controls the motion sensors and voice recognition for controlling the home appliance through human voice to provide the smart home. It is a very simple technique that was very much helpful to helpless people.

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