
Introduction: The role of the agricultural sector in Indonesia is crucial for both the society and the nation as it is closely linked to the national food needs. However, persistent issues in the agricultural sector, such as the quality of agricultural produce, fluctuating prices, and disjointed marketing, render farming unappealing to the younger generation. Government support factors through legal regulations aim to create programs for each local government (Pemda) to develop agriculture. Theoretical Framework: One such program is smart farming in Trenggalek Regency, East Java. This research aims to analyse the implementation of the Smart Farming program in Trenggalek Regency using Grindle's (1980) theory of public policy implementation, integrated with a conceptual model to assess the effectiveness of the innovative farming program. Method: The qualitative approach is directed toward describing, discovering, and analyzing phenomena with unique characteristics. The relevance of employing the qualitative approach is understood in that every issue involves various interrelated and specific phenomena. Conclusion: Agricultural industry must be supported by younger generation, law, policies and modern technology. Various disciplines will lead agricultural industries to become flagship industry in Indonesia.

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