
Services and performance in order to improve the quality of ship certificate renewal activities in an effort to support the process of ship operational activities at the Tanjung Perak Surabaya Main Port Office requires an assessment of the completeness of shipworthiness by the Marine Inspector (MI) as the assessment team and ship verification as a means of assisting the issuance of ship certificate extensions. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze Policy Implementation as well as the supporting and inhibiting factors in the Extension of Ship Certificates, as an Effort to Support the Process of Ship Operations at the Tanjung Perak Main Harbor Office Surabaya. This qualitative research analyzes the Policy for the Extension of Ship Certificates, in an Effort to Support the Process of Ship Operations by using the Van Mater and Van Horn policy implementation theory. Collecting data in this study using interviews, documentation and observation. The results of the study show that the extension of the Vessel Certificate is very much needed by service company agents in various parts of Indonesia, but in its operation there are still many obstacles that must be watched out for, namely the data from the investigation by the Marine Inspector (MI) on the ship owner, the captain who still has many weaknesses in supervision is due to inadequate human resources and lack of understanding from users, making it difficult for implementing officers, so that it refers to the Van Metter and Van Horn theory, that the implementation of the policy of extending ship certificates in an effort to support the process of ship operational activities at the Tanjung Perak Surabaya Main Port Office has not been optimal .

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