
For high speed computing, the need for an efficient adder is essential.In addition module, carry propagation becomes the bottleneck problem which increases the delay. To avoid thisproblem, arithmetic functions can be implemented using Residue Number System (RNS) which provides carry free and parallel operation. Though RNS performs several moduli in parallel form, it consumes more time and has high power dissipation.Reversible logic is a very promising alternative to conventional logic system forreducing the power dissipation.Reversible logic is the memory less logic which is used for ultra-low power reliable circuits.In this paper the Kogge stone prefix adder architecture is used which is considered as fast adder. The adder architecture is used to perform modulo 2n -1 operation and is implemented using reversible circuits. This method offers high speed computing and also minimum power dissipation. The proposed method is simulated using Xilinx 12.4 ISE and the functions are evaluated using MODELSIM 6.3c.

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