
This research is motivated by the phenomenon of the existence of students who lack mutual respect and respect, feel right on their own or based on their group, blame the worship of others who are different, and do not want to mingle with different internal and external religious people. This study aims to describe the implementation of religious moderation in generation Z students at SMA Negeri 3 and 5 Bandung City regarding the planning, implementation, evaluation, and monitoring process, as well as the results and follow-up. The research approach used is qualitative with a descriptive analysis method. The results showed that the planning for the Strengthening of Religious Moderation Character Education program was prepared through the formation of a School Development Team, a Character Education Strengthening Team under the vice principal for Student Affairs by making an annual program. Implementation of the program through a strategy of integrating learning in the classroom by all subject teachers, especially Religious Education and Civics, through habituation and school culture, and collaboration with parties outside the school. Evaluation is carried out through annual, monthly, and incidental work meetings; and regular monitoring by the principal, supervisors, and school management. The results obtained are changes in attitudes and behavior of students to become more tolerant and moderate without recognizing differences.
 Keywords: Strengthening Character Education; Religious Moderation; Generation Z

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