
Integrated watershed management has been regulated in the Regional Regulation Number 22 of 2014 Lampung Province. Watershed is a land area that is a unity of ecosystem with river and its tributaries that function to accommodate, store and drain water coming from rainfall to lake or sea naturally. The Lampung Province watershed is a watershed across several districts / cities in Lampung Province covering Sekampung watershed, Tulang Bawang basin, Seputih watershed, watershed watershed, Abar Kambas watershed and Mesuji basin. The largest part of the upstream of this river is located in West Lampung District, part of North Lampung, and part Tanggamus. The existence of integrated watershed management aims to improve and prevent damage to the watershed and realize the welfare of the community. Lampung Watershed Forum ensures that the watershed condition in Lampung has been severely damaged by the destruction of forests and dryland farming without soil conservation impacting on the declining water quality so that it will be dangerous if consumed by the people around the watershed. This condition leads to various diseases related to reproduction. This reproductive disease can affect children as well as adults. This study aims to determine the impact of the implementation of regulation number 22 of 2014 relating to reproductive health of people along the Lampung River Basin. The research method is descriptive observational research. The results obtained show that the implementation of Regulation No. 22 of 2014 has not touched the reproductive health of the community. Nevertheless, the number of reproductive diseases in the community along the Way Sekampung catchment in 2016 is smaller than in 2012. Needed assessment and impact handling for community welfare to materialize. The results of this study are expected to be a contribution of thought in the integrated watershed management of Lampung Province.

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