
The aim: To improve the effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment of chronic cerebral ischemia through the use of quantitative electroencephalography in civil servants on the outpatient and hospital stage. Materials and methods: A total of 150 patients (59 males and 91 females) aged from 40 to 69 years were examined. The patients were divided into three groups statistically correlated with the main disease - chronic cerebral ischemia (CCI), degree of severity - CCI level 2, age and statistical status. Registration of brain biopotentials was performed using a computerized electroencephalograph of «TredexExpert» series. The total spectral power capacity - ASP (μV/√Hz), relative power capacity - RSP (%) were studied in the investigated frequency ranges. Results: The study of three groups of patients with CCI of different genesis, an increase in ASP of all studied ranges, but of varying degrees of severity, was found: first, delta and theta ranges, then beta ranges, and finally, to a lesser extent, ASP of the alpha1 range and alphaS range. Therefore, the RSP of alpha1- and alphaS-bands significantly decreased in all studied groups. Conclusions: 1. In all studied groups, the relative spectral power of the alpha 1 and alphaS bands decreased significantly. An increase in the relative spectral power of the beta-frequency rhythm in all leads was established. 2. The identified neurophysiological differences in the formation and course of dyscirculatory encephalopathy of various genesis are used to monitor the effectiveness of treatment of chronic brain ischemia.

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