
The research findings and discussions presented a comprehensive analysis of the implementation of the Quality Family Village Program in Moya Village, Central Ternate Subdistrict, Indonesia. The program aimed to enhance family welfare and improve the quality of life at the village level through population programs, family planning, and related sector development. The success of the program was assessed using Edawar III's policy implementation theory, focusing on four key variables: Communication, Resources, Disposition, and Bureaucratic Structure. Communication played a pivotal role in program implementation, with intensive efforts to overcome initial resistance from the community. Various responsible institutions, including the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) and the Family Planning Office (OPD-KB), were involved in the program. Assurance of success was linked to effective communication, coordination, and advocacy among cross-sector stakeholders. Resources, including budget allocation, staff involvement, and compliance with regulations, were well-managed, and evaluations were conducted regularly. However, challenges such as irregular budget disbursement and limited community participation persisted. The study highlighted the competence of Family Planning Counselors and their contributions to community development. Despite successes, community engagement remained an area for improvement. In conclusion, the program demonstrated effectiveness through well-managed resources and dedicated staff.

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