
Specificities of the project activities teaching within frames of the authorial educational program "Space Technologies" are considered in the paper. Nowadays project activities are being implemented widespread, but among all programs, special attention is paid to engineering education. This is related to the necessity to train young specialists who will be capable to solve complex and non-standard tasks. It should be noted that the implementation of project activities takes place both at the level of higher and secondary education. To solve this task, teachers with practical experience are involved, who have mastered all the nuances and complexities of project activities. The implementation process takes place in various ways: from setting individual or group tasks in the subject or discipline program to allocating certain time and premises for working on projects. But the purpose of this implementation remains unchanged, regardless of the form or level of education: to educate the young generation, ready not only to perform standard work, but also to invent and produce really working products and services in demand. This paper discusses methods of organization and examples of project activities based on the engineering educational program "Space Technologies", main results of developed projects are presented. A detailed description of space objects and models designed on the space simulator "Kerbal Space Program" basis can be found by linking to articles from the list of references, where the feasibility of created space objects is based on modern achievements of science and technologies is proved.

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