
In recent year, the home environment has seen a rapid introduction of wireless communication network enabled advance computing technologies. In this paper I mainly focus on the monitoring of smart home remotely and providing security when user is away from the home. The proposed security algorithm is combining of Biometrics, public key encryption and SMS based security alarm system. In the proposed security algorithm offered only Authenticate person monitoring home appliances via wireless networks. In the proposed pervasive monitoring system it provides security against intrusion as well as it automates various home appliances using SMS. Zigbee IEEE 802.15.4 based Sensor Network, GSM and Wi-Fi wireless networks are embedded through a standard Home gateway. This home gateway controls the overall wireless communication of smart home systems. The pervasive computing environment created by the smart Sensors, wireless networks and context-aware routing protocol for wireless sensor networks. Each smart Sensor node should have multipath routing protocol to automatically establish the wireless networks between Smart Nodes. To develop a new on-demand context-aware routing protocol for the smart home system, here this paper introduces the pervasive computing based smart home monitoring system's design that provides secure smart services to users, and demonstrates its implementation using a real time environment.

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