
This research is motivated by the phenomenon of widespread acts of intolerance, radicalization, and youth violence. Forming a peace-loving character in students is an effective step. Therefore, handling it at school through a hidden curriculum in PAI subjects is necessary. This research analyzes the objectives, programs, implementation, supporting and inhibiting factors, and the successful implementation of multicultural values through the hidden curriculum for PAI subjects. This research uses a qualitative approach with analytical descriptive methods—data collection techniques through interviews, documentation, and observation. Qualitative data analysis techniques use data reduction, completing data, interpreting data, drawing conclusions, and verifying data. The study was conducted at SMP Negeri 40 Bandung and SMP Muhammadiyah 8 Bandung. The research results show that the goal is to create students with peace-loving characters. The program is conducted through school programs, habituation, supervision and coaching, and examples. Implementation is realized through teaching, habituation, example, motivation, and rules enforcement. Internal and external supporting factors and internal and external inhibiting factors influence the supporting and inhibiting factors. Success is achieved by creating students who love peace.

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