
The article analyzes the scientifi c methods of managerial decision-making at hightech enterprises. It is determined that the stability of production and the competitiveness of the enterprise in the domestic and foreign markets are determined by such a parameter as the stability of the functioning of the enterprise, which is considered as a predictable parameter characterizing the state of a high-tech enterprise. Increasing the stability of the enterprise can be achieved through the systematic analysis of special indicators that determine the integrated stability in the complex. When predicting the stability of the functioning of a high-tech enterprise, it is necessary to use various methods. Based on the analysis of existing methods of scientifi c prediction of indicators and characteristics of industrial enterprises for making managerial decisions and their features, forecasting methods are identifi ed, combined into the following groups: mathematical (statistical) forecasting methods; computational methods of multi-stage forecasting based on artifi cial neural networks, which are part of the digital twin software in an industrial company; expert forecasting methods involving the use of intuition, knowledge and expert assessments. The integral stability of the functioning of a high-tech enterprise is developed under the infl uence of a complex of factors of the macro environment and the internal environment of the enterprise. They are grouped depending on the environment of occurrence, the nature and direction of the impact, the object of the impact. It is revealed that increasing the stability of the functioning of high-tech enterprises can be ensured by a comprehensive system analysis of the main directions of assessing the stability of the functioning of the enterprise and their subsequent correction, if necessary. The directions of increasing the stability of the functioning of high-tech enterprises, allowing to ensure the stability of the enterprise, are presented.

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