
Land acquisition is a sensitive issue that concerns the livelihood of the community. The problem of land acquisition for public interest is always feared by the community, which is carried out by the government by means of eviction. As a result, the rights of the community are threatened, because the problem of land acquisition is more sensitive, in which there are two conflicting interests, namely: the interests of the government on the one hand and the interests of the community on the other hand. Therefore, in obtaining land, an approach that is understood and accepted by both parties is needed.The purpose of this study was to determine, analyze the factors of constraints and support, and the appropriate and correct strategies for implementing land acquisition policies for the construction of toll roads. The research method used was a qualitative approach with descriptive that systematically describes the facts, characteristics of objects and subjects of empirical observation carried out concretely, accurately, clearly, and measurable by considering the variation of problems in implementing land acquisition policies for the construction of toll roads in West Sumatra Province - Riau Province.The results of the study showed that the implementation of land acquisition policies for the construction of toll roads in West Sumatra Province - Riau Province, although it has been implemented, has not been effective and tends to be slow from various factors that inhibit and support the involvement of stakeholders in carrying out land acquisition that is directly affected.

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