
In the digital era, libraries have been acquiring and subscribing to various types of digital resources. Each e-resource possesses distinct formats and search requirements, offers multiple access and authentication methods, and involves complex licensing agreements. Therefore, effectively managing these diverse e-resources necessitates a system that simplifies the processes of acquisition, access, and organization. An Electronic Resource Management System (ERMS) presents a potential solution for centralizing these operations. Numerous open source and commercial ERMS solutions are available and utilized in libraries worldwide. Nevertheless, numerous studies have revealed that libraries face financial constraints as well as limitations in terms of ICT infrastructure. An ideal solution should be both cost-effective and require minimal ICT infrastructure. Koha is one such software that has gained popularity in library automation, making it a viable option for managing e-resources. This study explores the implementation of Koha, version 22.11, for managing a library's e-resources. The study aims to investigate the existing features and functionalities of Koha in the context of libraries.

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