
This paper is based on ISO 9000 which was conducted by making personal visits to plants located in Bangalore. It deals with:- The overall structure of ISO 9000 Quality Standard- Activities involved in implementing an ISO 9000 Quality Standard and the planning required in successfully implementing the programme.- Issues involved in implementation.- Distribution analysis of QS certificates awarded to Indian Companies up to October, 1993.The understanding, discussion and implementation of ISO 9000 has recently assumed lot of importance not only in our country but also in other parts of the world. Various reasons could be attributed to this. Some of them are:(1) Product/Service Quality has been identified as one of the important factors for becoming competitive.(2) Globalization in almost all types of activities is forcing many global players to insist on quality inputs irrespective of the source from which they are procured. In other words, a company which wishes to do business globally has to ensure quality performance with respect to their activities.(3) To gain entry into EC market many companies have been insisting on the interested party to demonstrate that they have a system which can ensure the quality of the product/service provided those who wanted to respond to the changes that are taking place had gone for some sort of quality certification such as ISO 9000.(4) As far as India is concerned, after liberalization, companies have realized that to do business, they have to be competitive, and to survive within the country and also to compete in the global market they have to improve their performance especially in the quality front. This development has forced many companies to go for quality certification.

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