
Humans and the environment are two things that cannot be separated. Humans are very dependent on environmental conditions. Education plays a significant role in shaping human character to be able to care about the environment. Education, predominantly Islamic religious education, focuses on forming human morality and spirituality who care about the environment. Therefore, this study intends to analyze the implementation of Islamic religious education governance in shaping the character of environmental care in the adiwiyata school of SMAN 5 Karawang located in West Kawang. The method used in this research is qualitative with a descriptive approach. The study results indicate that the implementation of Islamic religious education in shaping the character of caring for the environment is outlined in the school education curriculum by integrating environmental education with Islamic religious education in schools. Teachers, especially PAI teachers, are carried out by teachers by focusing on character education caring for the environment in the dimensions of divinity, humanity, and nature.

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