
Introduction. The introduction of innovative technologies for housing development is aimed primarily at optimizing the range of services in accordance with the needs of the population and streamlining their use in the context of sustainable development. The aim of the article is to improve the use of innovative technologies for modernization and development of housing and communal services at the regional level. Methods (methodology). The general scientific methods, in particular theoretical generalization - for generalization of features and the basic directions of introduction of innovative technologies in a cut of the basic functional spheres of housing and communal services are investigated; system economic analysis - for calculations of indicators of technical condition and efficiency of centralized water supply systems in the regions of Ukraine. Results. Peculiarities and main directions of introduction of innovative technologies in the context of the main functional spheres of housing and communal services, namely: technologies of modernization of housing stock in the context of providing energy saving are investigated; directions of modernization and increase of energy efficiency of heat and power supply systems, resource-saving and ecologically safe systems of water supply, drainage and sewage treatment; introduction of alternative energy sources to strengthen the energy security of urban agglomerations; optimization of urban transport systems in the direction of expanding the scope of urban transport and improving its environmental friendliness, development of information technologies for traffic management, stimulating the transition to environmentally friendly modes of transport. Problems and perspective possibilities of introduction of innovative technologies in the housing and communal sphere are systematized taking into account foreign experience.

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