
This paper reports on the growth of high-quality GaN layers on Si C substrates by hot- wall MOCVD. Use of AlN buffer with a thickness exceeding 50 nm is employed for the GaN deposition and it is found to encompass most of the misfit defects. A n arrower X-ray rocking curve over asymmetric than over symmetric reflection is measured - full width at a half maximum (FWHM) of 350 arcsec vs. FWHM of 490 arcsec for 10.4 and 00.2 peaks, respectively, indicating high overall quality of the film. The free exciton photoluminescence emission peak has rather narrow FWHM of 5 meV. The typical thickness of the GaN layers is about 2 mm and they are completely depleted according to the capacitance-voltage profili ng, which corresponds to estimated residual doping of less than 5x10 14 cm -3 . Only in some cases when the GaN layer is not depleted, deep level transient spectroscopy is performed and two deep traps with activation energies of 0.26 and 0.59 eV below the conduction band are measured.

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