
Aim -The aim of this quality improvement project was to determine the feasibility of implementing Healing Touch (HT) as a complementary therapy at the bedside and its impact on patient self-reported levels of pain, nausea, and anxiety. Healing Touch is a relaxing, heart-centered, biofield therapy. Healing Touch assists in the creation of a coherent and balanced energy field, which supports one's inherent ability to heal (Anderson et al., 2017). Methods -The project was conducted over a 2-month period (February through March, 2020) on the cardiac unit in a Midwestern, acute care hospital. Prior to the project, staff on the unit received education, which included an overview of HT and project implementation. Healing Touch therapy was available three times a week and performed by a certified HT practitioner. Any patient that gave permission to receive a treatment was considered. Forty-six patients participated. Results -Patients rated their level of pain, nausea and anxiety using a 0 to 10 rating scale pre and post treatment. A paired samples t-test revealed self-reported levels of pain: t(45)=5.35, p<0.01, nausea: t(45)=2.74, p<0.01, and anxiety: t(44)=5.88, p<0.01, significantly decreased following HT therapy. Patients were asked, “In your own words tell me how you feel following the treatment.” and “Would you be interested in receiving a Healing Touch treatment in the future?”. Content analysis of the qualitative descriptive responses indicated patients felt relaxed. Additionally, 87% of participants stated they would like another treatment. The average HT treatment was 17 minutes. Conclusions -Healing Touch had a significant impact on patient pain, nausea and anxiety. Given the average HT treatment time, a dedicated role to provide HT is now being piloted. Reference Anderson, J. G., Anselme L. C., & Hart, L. K. (2017). Foundations and practice of healing touch. Healing Beyond Borders.

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