
This study aims to Implementation of Guru Penggerak Program Batch 6 in Gresik, supporting and inhibiting factors. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The subject of this research finds calon guru penggerak, pengajar praktik, and fasilitator who are selected purposively. Data analysis with interactive techniques, namely data collection, data condensation, data presentation, and conclusions. Test the validity of the data with the method and source triangulation technique. The results of the research analysis used the theory of Edward III. The results show that communication is done by socializing. In terms of human resources, the number is still limited, the budget for resources and facilities is adequate. In the aspect of disposition, the central and local governments provide full support for the implementation of the PGP. while on the structural aspect, BPGP employees have a special structure to implement PGP. The supporting factors for the implementation of PGP are the participation of the central and local governments, the commitment and competence of human resources in teacher training, supporting facilities and infrastructure, and coordination of implementers. The inhibiting factors are the lack of human resources, and the difficulty of signaling.

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