
The study was conducted to: determine the critical thinking skills of students before and after being taught with the guided inquiry learning model assisted by three tier test, determine the critical thinking skills of students before and after being taught by the direct instruction learning model and determine the differences in the critical thinking skills of students who are taught using the direct instruction model guided inquiry learning model assisted by three tier test with students who are taught using direct instruction learning model. This type of research is a quasi-experimental design with a nonequivalent control group design. The study was conducted at MAN Pinrang with a population all students of class XI MIPA at MAN Pinrang. The number of samples taken was 22 students in the control class (XI MIPA 1) and 22 students in the experimental class (XI MIPA 2). Hypothesis testing using a two-sample independent t-test with the results showed that the hypothesis test obtained a sign value (2-tailed) of 0,000. Because the sign value (2-tailed) < 0,05, H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. So we can be concluded there are differences in the critical thinking skills of students who are taught using the guided inquiry learning model assisted by three tier test with those taught using the direct instruction learning model for class XI MIPA at MAN Pinrang.


  • The study was conducted to: determine the critical thinking skills of students before and after being taught with the guided inquiry learning model assisted by three tier test, determine the critical thinking skills of students before and after being taught by the direct instruction learning model and determine the differences in the critical thinking skills of students who are taught using the direct instruction model guided inquiry learning model assisted by three tier test with students who are taught using direct instruction learning model

  • This type of research is a quasi-experimental design with a nonequivalent control group design

  • The study was conducted at MAN Pinrang with a population all students of class XI MIPA at MAN Pinrang

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No Indikator

Untuk p-ISSN 2355-5785 e-ISSN 2550-0325 mengetahui kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik digunakan tes diagnostik berupa three tier test. Melalui model pembelajaran guided inquiry, dapat membantu peserta didik yang belum terbiasa dengan pembelajaran berbasis masalah dalam mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis. Berdasarkan uraian tersebut maka dilakukan penelitian dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik yang diajar menggunakan model pembelajaran guided inquiry berbantuan three tier test dengan peserta didik yang diajar menggunakan model pembelajaran direc instruction kelas XI MIPA di MAN Pinrang. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu soal uraian three tier test, rancangan perangkat pembelajaran (RPP), lembar observasi, lembar kerja peserta didik (LKPD) dan angket respon peserta didik. Hasil Analisis Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Peserta Didik Sebelum dan Setelah Diterapkan Model Pembelajaran Guided Inquiry berbantuan Three Tier Test terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Peserta Didik Kelas XI MIPA di MAN Pinrang Hasil analisis deskriptif kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik sebelum dan setelah diberikan perlakuan dari kelas eksperimen (XI MIPA 2) dapat disajikan dalam tabel berikut: Tabel 4: Statistik deskriptif kemampuan berpikir kritis kelas eksperimen (XI MIPA 2)

Pretest Posttest
Standar deviasi
Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis
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