
Citra Bersama Tanjungbalai Printing is a business engaged in selling printing products and services, established in 2006, located on Jalan Peninsula, Sirantau Village, Datuk Bandar District, Tanjungbalai City. The problem with Citra Bersama Printing is that it has not implemented an online sales system, it is difficult for customers to know about sales information in the printing press. There is no information system to carry out promotions, and the process of recording customer order data at the printing press is still doing it manually. Using the CRM method is a web-based printing product and service sales system that can help buyers find out various information and make it easier for buyers to place orders without coming directly to the printer. With the application of E-commerce using the CRM method, it can help Tanjungbalai Citra Bersama Printing carry out promotions and provide information related to the sale of products and services it markets to customers, and expand sales of products and services it markets because of promotional features, discount prices, customer data, live chat, and product ratings.

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