
The schooling aquarium is cylindrical public oceanarium facilities with 137,000 l volume at PIAMARI Aquarium, Pangandaran. There are not many discussions related to oceanariums in Indonesia and this paper describes the live support system design, biota communities, and management of fish keeping in a oceanarium. Inventarisation of fish species composition, plankton, ectoparasites, and diseases was conducted in this oceanarium, The Oceanarium uses artificial lighting and a recirculation system with a sump equipped with physical, biological, protein skimmers, and ozone generators. Partial water change is applied to maintain the water quality. This oceanarium is a place for 16 fish species types of omnivores, planktivores, and herbivorous originate from Pangandaran waters and belong to IUCN LC conservation status. The fish is well adapted to the oceanarium environment, and each species has different behaviors.. Ten genus of plankton were identified in the oceanarium with diversity belonging to the medium category and become the highest compared to other oceanariums in the PIAMARI environment. Trichodesmium sp. was the highest abundance of plankton genus in the oceanarium. There is a low parasite infestation of Neobenedia sp. in 3 fish species from 2 families (Chaetodontidae and Siganidae). The introduction of coral in the schooling aquarium can be considered by increasing the biological filtration of the sump.

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