
This research discusses the correlation between the results of socialization of child-friendly pesantren program by the ministry of religion and  the  ministry of women's empowerment and protection on the program  implementation in pesantrens in Padangpanjg City, West Sumatra. The  purpose of the research was to obtain information about the correlation between the  results  of  socialization  on the implementation of the child-friendly pesantren program. The  hypothesis in this study is that there is a correlation between the results of socialization  and  the  on the implementation of child-friendly pesantren programs in Pesantrens in Padangpanjang City. The research  method is descriptive method.The technique  used in this  research is  proportionate stratified random sampling  technique.The  results showed that the proposed  hypothesis  was accepted that there was a significant correlation between the results of socialization  on the implementation of the child-friendly pesantren program with he correlation coefficient  calculation known that r hitung is 0,660 wheres  r table with significant degree 5% for N = 62 and df = N-2 = 62 - 2 = 60 is 0,254. Thereby r hitung ≥ rtabel or 0,660 > 0,254, thereby Ha is accepted.

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