
The absence of e-waste management sites and the lack of education about e-waste in the community of Banda Aceh have led to uncontrolled electronic waste. In fact, electronic waste can pollute the environment. The city of Banda Aceh has no special treatment for Electronic Waste. People take out their electronic waste into the regular trash or burn it. In this work, a system is made to manage electronic waste consisting of an android application and a blockchain-based database. The android application on this system serves to find out the location of electronic waste collection point and as an educational application that contains knowledge about electronic waste. Determining the location of the electronic waste collection site considers several aspects with the help of GIS technology. In addition, Google Maps technology is provided to direct application users to waste collection locations. This electronic waste collection uses a scoring system to attract the public to give their waste to a predetermined e-waste collection. Once after community or gather their electronic waste, a score will be obtained based on the type and amount of waste collected. Community data and waste will be stored in Blockchain-based technology. Blockchain is a decentralized technology so that databases are distributed. Data storage on Blockchain is built using Hyperledger Fabric and Hyperledger Composer to ensure database security and integrity. Electronic waste data that has been collected can be applied for various purposes. The implementation of the system in this work will manage electronic waste properly to support Circular Economy.

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