
This project is carried out in one of the leading spice manufacturer of Pakistan located in Karachi. Dundi-cut whole red chilies (Capsicum indicum) are the most revenue-generating commodity of Pakistan. However, the persistence of aflatoxin contamination in chilies at higher levels is raising the health and economic risks. Aflatoxin (AFs), produced by A.spergillus flavus and A. parasilicus Spears, are toxic, carcinogenic and immunosuppressive. Post-harvest practices may play as crucial role to make the red chilies physically damaged that may lead to increase the levels of aflatoxins. In this study good post harvesting technique after plugging of crop was implemented on drying process by which chili is dry on geo sheet instead on sandy soil and analysis of AFs content was performed for verification of true hypothesis. In addition the study also elaborate the level of aflatoxin content in normal, discolored, with pedicle and without pedicle chili samples collected from different field of Sindh province, in order to understand the root cause of high AFs content by result analysis in chili crop. The study was conducted in different chili producing areas of Sindh-Pakistan. The samples of red chili (locally called dandi cut variety) were collected from different chili growing areas in and around Kunri, Mithi, Nagarparkar, Marjhango and Samaro.

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