
The recent improvement in Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) technology has enabled the evolvement of Inertial Navigation Unit (INU) to be built on top of a low cost, small size Integrated Circuit (IC) chip. Due to the nature of the MEMS INU, its outputs are normally corrupted by the resided stochastic noise. A common practice to regulate its measurements into usable motion data is by fusing the Global Positioning System (GPS) measurement data with the MEMS INU measurement data through Kalman filter for position, velocity and orientation estimations. Such integrated system is known as GPS-aided Inertial Navigation System (INS). Note that the robustness of the GPS-aided INS relies heavily on the availability of the GPS signals. In the event of no GPS signals, the overall system will solely depend on the INU to predict the position, velocity and orientation. The prediction results will eventually drift from its true value due to the INU's resided stochastic noise. In this study, a remedy system using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) is developed to improve the performance of the GPS-aided INS during GPS outage condition. UAV motion sensing experiment was carried out and GPS outage conditions were imposed at several locations during the UAV navigation. The motion prediction dataduring GPS outages, with and without ANFIS implementation, were compared and the results clearly show that the GPS-aided INS with ANFIS implementation achieved better performance than the GPS-aided INS without ANFIS.


  • One of the major issues of Global Positioning System (GPS)-aided Inertial Navigation System (INS) is that reckoning system that utilized Inertial Navigation Unit such system, when operates without GPS data, solely (INU) for three dimensional position, velocity and depends on INU measurements in which its predictions orientation estimations (Titterton and Weston, 1997). will eventually diverged from the true values (Sameh, With recent advancement in Micro-Electro- 2003)

  • This section outlines the implementation of the proposed Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) in the GPS-aided INS for short term GPS outage condition

  • This study presented the fundamental study of GPSaided INS and its limitation during short term GPS outage conditions

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Filter, where such configuration is commonly known as GPS-aided INS (Alison, 2005; David et al, 2006). Mechanical System (MEMS), the INU is able to be blockage or intentional signal jamming (Adrian et al, built on top of a small size, low cost Integrated Circuit 2004) Under such condition the accuracy of position (IC) chip (Nebot and Durrant, 1999). Recent study by Lim et al. INU configuration still fail to work as a standalone (2014) suggested that the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle device for navigation applications due to its resided (UAV) motion sensing, under no GPS condition, stochastic noise This study presents a design that reduced the above mentioned accumulation errors by integrating the GPS-aided INS with an Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) for UAV motion sensing.

Fundamental of ANFIS
ANFIS Algorithm
ANFIS Implementation
ANFIS Setup and Considerations
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