
In November 1999, new radiotherapy and medical physics departments began to operate in our institution. In the departments' project, considerable emphasis had been placed on the integration of the equipment through networking. In particular, a "record and verify" (R&V) system for data and images (Varian "Varis" and "Vision") has been employed in the daily routine since the beginning of treatments. After one year, more than 600 patients have been treated, and a first evaluation of the system can be carried out. In clinical practice, the software required no significant changes in the already-established radiotherapy workflow and has been successfully configured in an acceptable time. On the other hand, the way information is exchanged and shared has dramatically changed towards a nearly paperless and filmless way of working. A good application reliability has been experienced, and the client-server structure has been proven useful by avoiding loss of data in critical situations. The staff time spent for the application to run is now well balanced by the increased safety in daily practice, and digital archiving of all the radiotherapy activity has increased the effectiveness of routine tasks and statistical researches. The critical aspects we have experienced in the application are the proper user rights definition and a minor rounding error in the daily dose accumulation. Future developments in implementation of the system will be aimed to a better integration with the Hospital Information System and to a further exploitation of the RT-PACS features of the "Vision" application.

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