
An instructional subsystem is an important constituent of every simulator-based training system essentially with capabilities that are designed specifically to enhance the training process by assisting the instructor, providing feedback information to the students and supporting training system management activities. Specific instructor support capabilities should be determined through a cost-effective trade-off analysis based on instructor functions, tasks and load. The hardware/software capabilities of currently available low-cost workstations can potentially be exploited to include versatile and highly cost-effective instructional features to improve the instructional process. This paper presents one such effort to implement the instructional subsystem of a sophisticated simulator-based shiphandling training system on a task-oriented multi-window graphics workstation, in association with a large screen graphics display. The instructional subsystem is specifically tailored based on numerous contextual considerations related to this particular training application and the training device. The workstation supports activities such as providing immediate graphical feedback, recording the history for freeze as well as post exercise feedback and control of the simulated training exercise. Different forms of feedback are simultaneously generated by processing a set of messages received periodically either from the host computer running the simulator or from the history file depending on whether it is on-line feedback mode or off-line feedback mode. Gaming area display in the feedback is accomplished by combining the positional information with the exercise area map which is digitized off-line and stored in a graphics metafile. Mouse-driven interactive graphics with hierarchical menus, on-line help facility and built-in knowledge-base provide a highly user-friendly instructor interface, improved feedback presentation and easier simulation control. The large screen graphical display connected to the workstation provides an effective trainee interface for exercise briefings prior to, during a pause in, and following the training exercise.

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