
This paper highlights the implementation of an embedded microcontroller-based intrusion detection system. The PIC16F84A microcontroller embedded in the system was programmed using the MikroC Language for the microcontrollers, to pick up an intrusion signal from the motion sensor, (which interprets the signal to be an electrical signal e.g. voltage), process it and then give a command to the display or output units. The output includes a 16x2 ALPHA liquid crystal display (LCD) and a buzzer (alarm unit), which in turn implement the command thereby notifying the environment of the presence of an intruder by displaying “Intruder Detected!” on the LCD and by a beeping sound with an interval of 0.5s delay by the alarm unit. The system was tested and was found to be efficient and suitable for solving myriad of security issues that confront us in modern times.

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