
Introduction. A pilot project was established at the Cross Cancer Institute pharmacy to assess the feasibility of implementing a patient callback program to determine which patients would benefit from a callback and the impact a callback service would have on the workload of the pharmacy department. Program description/development/implementation/evaluation. A pharmacy student conducted the pilot project over a 14-week time period. Four categories of patients were selected for inclusion in the pilot. The student approached patients at the time of medication pick-up to receive verbal permission to be included in the callback program. A standardized callback form was utilized to record medication information and any recommendations made. Data were collected on the numbers of patients in each category with questions or concerns as this was felt to be indicative of patients who would most benefit from a callback. The total time spent making the telephone calls was recorded. Over the eight-week period, 530.5 minutes were spent making the telephone calls with the average length of call being 3.27 minutes. Discussion/conclusion. The student researcher proposed that three patient groups would benefit from receiving a callback: new patients or patients on new medications; elderly patients; and patients with specific disease-drug combinations. The project also provided an estimate of pharmacist time required to implement such a service and it was concluded that implementation could occur with minimal disruption to workflow.

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