
Medicinal plants are a practical and cost-effective alternative for treating common ailments, especially in areas with limited access to public healthcare systems. This paper introduces a prototype of an intelligent interactive system that merges chatbot technology with artificial intelligence (AI) to address inquiries related to treatment alternatives and the application of different medicinal plants for prevalent health conditions which promote and advance alternative healing practices in the locality. The platform is a hybrid online chat service that prioritizes consumer health and encourages the responsible use of medicinal plants. This study used a survey questionnaire to gather information from traditional healers and users and concerned government agencies about how well the system prototype performed. The system's performance was assessed in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, and customer satisfaction, with respondents providing an aggregate rating of "Strongly Agree". Significantly, this study lays the groundwork for education on the use of local medicinal plants to cure illnesses and highlights the importance of providing users with accurate and reliable information on the safe use of medicinal plants. This approach empowers users to make informed decisions about the plants they use, reducing the likelihood of harmful effects and optimizing the potential benefits of medicinal plants. By supporting this effort, this study contributes to the achievement of the third Sustainable Development Goal of the UN, which aims to promote health and well-being by offering the local populace a low-cost option as a first line of defense for improving their health and wellness.

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