
The ENEPS, according to the Law of the 4th April 1984 creating a National Institute for Sport, is responsible for the instruction and formation of coaches in Luxembourg. Realizing that the outcomes of the actual instructions didn’t give satisfaction anymore, leaders of ENEPS and their partners, the Olympic Committee and the federations, came together trying to find out how to enhance the situation. Wanting to be conform to the European Qualification Framework (EQF) by installing a National Qualification Framework (NQF) basing on competences, outcomes and Long Term Athlete development (LTAD), ENEPS has reformed its instruction system concerning about all the methodology and the philosophy and not the contents. All our instructors had followed an 80 hours formation with the goal being able to implement the new structure. That's why we met Marc Schryburt, responsible at the Canadian Coach Association (CAC), knowing they have set up a new approach engaging more the future coaches. Indeed, this coach education is based on experience, application and theory (EAT), using the modular approach by an interactive learning methodology. Coach candidates are deeply involved in their own formation by applying experiences in workbooks and sometimes consulting reference books, they share experiences and answers with peers and upgrade their answers, may be also after listening to key messages of the LFs (Learning Facilitators). At the same time, LTAD is the main theme for general and specific physical preparation of the students of the new “Sportlycée” (Ministry of National Education) which, in collaboration with ENEPS, is guiding them to school and sport excellence (dual career). Most of our Federations have designed LTAD being the ideal pathway to reach international excellence. As we started with the new program in January 2014 we can’t give great conclusions. Nevertheless, we see that coach candidates are more involved and quite taken by this way of learning and doing. This approach makes coaches responsible of their own professional development.

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