
Adaptive optics relies on the accuracy and speed of a wavefront sensor in order to provide quick corrections to distortions in the optical system. In weaker cases of atmospheric turbulence often encountered in astronomical fields, a traditional Shack-Hartmann sensor has proved to be very effective. However, in cases of stronger atmospheric turbulence often encountered near the surface of the Earth, atmospheric turbulence no longer solely causes small tilts in the wavefront. Instead, lasers passing through strong or “deep” atmospheric turbulence encounter beam breakup, which results in interference effects and discontinuities in the incoming wavefront. In these situations, a Shack-Hartmann sensor can no longer effectively determine the shape of the incoming wavefront. We propose a wavefront reconstruction and correction algorithm based around the plenoptic sensor. The plenoptic sensor’s design allows it to match and exceed the wavefront sensing capabilities of a Shack-Hartmann sensor for our application. Novel wavefront reconstruction algorithms can take advantage of the plenoptic sensor to provide a rapid wavefront reconstruction necessary for real time turbulence. To test the integrity of the plenoptic sensor and its reconstruction algorithms, we use artificially generated turbulence in a lab scale environment to simulate the structure and speed of outdoor atmospheric turbulence. By analyzing the performance of our system with and without the closed-loop plenoptic sensor adaptive optics system, we can show that the plenoptic sensor is effective in mitigating real time lab generated atmospheric turbulence.

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