
The African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights (Commission) is the most important international body established in Africa for the realisation of human rights. The Commission monitors human rights developments in all the 53 member states of the African Union (AU). The first members of the 11-member African Commission were elected by the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) Assembly following the entry into force of the Charter on October 1986. The mandate of the Commission is set out in Article 45 of the African Charter. The mandate includes promotion through undertaking studies, organizing seminars, disseminate information, give recommendations to governments, lay down principles and rules and co-operate with other African and international institutions. Regional monitoring of human rights is important for many reasons. Governments may take a regional body more seriously than the far-off United Nations, even though the response of some governments clearly indicate that this is not so. Keywords:Africa; African Charter; African Commission; African Union; Human Rights; OAU; Peoples' Rights

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