
Cities in Indonesia were initially formed through the transformation of various influences of power and power. Strength as an identity that can attract the outermost area to come to an area, while power lies in the personal strength of man as the leader of a region. These conditions have an impact on the development of the world of industry in the country. Transforming traditional city structures into a modern city, not only physically but also a basic transformation towards the concept of urbanity of its citizens. The urban village as an element of the city which is the identity of a region, still holds a traditional urbanity value system that is different from the conception of modern urbanity. This condition affects the development of industrial zones, such as what happened in Bajera Village, Selemadeg District, Tabanan Regency. The heterogeneity of the population of Bajera Village is one of the biggest indicators of the formation of an industrial zone. The existence of a transportation mode that connects the outermost areas of Bajera with the Core of Bajera Village is another driving factor that influences the growth of industrial estates. This study tried to explain descriptively qualitatively, a fact of regional development based on Asiatica Euphoria McGee's theory. The special attraction in the core of Bajera Village encourages residents in the outermost areas of Bajera to migrate to the core areas of Bajera Village with the aim of staying temporarily and to settle for long periods of time. This phenomenon is in line with the theory put forward by McGee, that the CBD (central business district) is formed due to the attraction of the core (core) and the ease of modes of transportation from peri urban areas to the CBD. This condition makes Bajera village the center of industrial and trade areas in the Selemadeg Barat region, Tabanan, Bali.

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