
Customer service standards at conventional banks are not always maximally applied. This makes customers from the middle to lower economic level less satisfied, even the majority of objections with some of the bank's regulations. This could be the reason for the lower economic level people are reluctant to open savings in conventional banks. As for the middle economic level people open savings in conventional banks, do not fully entrust their financial management to the bank. One of the requirements to become an employee of a private company is relatively often used as a reason for the community to open savings in conventional banks. Relative people choose Islamic banks as a solution for their financial management. Appointed by PT. BPRS Bandar Lampung and PT. BPRS Metro Madani as a sample, in order to know the implementation of customer service standards, so that relatively many people open savings at the two banks. Qualitative methods are utilized in research. Observations, interviews, and documentation are used as data collection techniques, then the data are analyzed descriptively qualitatively. The results showed that the employees of PT. BPRS Bandar Lampung and PT. BPRS Metro Madani has and applies customer service standards based on sharia regulations. The research can be continued in a deeper discussion, namely about the implementation of the real application of Islamic business ethics in sharia-based institutions in improving the performance of the bank PT. BPRS Bandar Lampung and PT. BPRS Metro Madani'.


  • Standar pelayanan pelanggan pada bank konvensional tidak selalu maksimal diterapkan

  • Customer service standards at conventional banks are not always maximally applied. This makes customers from the middle to lower economic level less satisfied, even the majority of objections with some of the bank's regulations. This could be the reason for the lower economic level people are reluctant to open savings in conventional banks

  • One of the requirements to become an employee of a private company is relatively often used as a reason for the community to open savings in conventional banks

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Masyarakat selaku nasabah pemanfaat jasa perbankan, tentunya mengharapkan produk-produk perbankan yang memenuhi kebutuhan dan pelayanan maksimal dari perbankan tersebut. Ditemui sebagian masyarakat tingkat ekonomi menengah atas yang dengan sengaja dan sepenuh hati mempercayakan manajemen keuangannya pada bank konvensional. Berdasarkan hasil observasi awal juga ditemui tingkat kepuasan para nasabah dan masyarakat terhadap pelayanan yang diberikan oleh pihak bank konvensional pun relatif tidak stabil. Dengan demikian hal ini menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi masyarakat terhadap kedua perusahaan itu, ditambah dengan produkproduk perbankan berbasis syariah yang ditawarkan lebih bersifat suka rela, dengan kesepakatan bersama, dan bertujuan pada kesejahteraan bersama, sehingga tidak memberatkan para nasabah. Para nasabah yang berasal dari tingkat menengah atas pun ada yang mempercayakan manajemen keuangannya pada bank syariah. Berdasarkan observasi awal diketahui bahwa masyarakat tingkat ekonomi menengah atas menanamkan modalnya berupa uang untuk dikelola pada produk bank syariah yang ada, guna mengupayakan kesejahteraan diri sendiri, juga berdampak pada kontribusi terhadap upaya membantu kesejahteraan masyarakat tingkat ekonomi bawah.

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Bank Syariah
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