
The hospital has a strategic role in the effort to accelerate the improvement of public health degree. The new para-digm of health care requires hospitals provide quality services according to the needs and wishes of the patient with reference to the code of professional conduct and medical. Performance of health care organizations typically use a minimum standard criteria of service in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Health No. 741 / Menkes / Per / VII / 2008. These regulations outline covers; a) basic health services, b) health care referrals, c) epidemiological investigation and prevention of outbreaks and d) health promotion and community development. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of the minimum service standards in the field of health referral at RSUD Baubau and to determine the factors that affect the minimum service standard reference in the field of health at RSUD Baubau. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The data collection techniques in this research is interview and documentation. Meanwhile, the techniques used to analyze the data in this study is a descriptive analysis techniques. This analysis includes data checking, data grouping, data checking, data analysis and conclusion. The results of this experiment showed that the implementation of the minimum service standards in the field of health referral at RSUD Baubau has been good. A slight lack of implementation of the health sector MSS reference in RSUD Baubau is the amount of human resources required. The factors that affect the implementation of minimum service standard reference in the field of health, namely RSUD Baubau; Communication, disposition and bureaucratic struc-ture. As for the factor of resources because there is still a shortage of only 80% to meet the needs of human resources at RSUD Baubau.

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