
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the application of learning Arabic language sapport using micro teaching program on learning the Arabic language the application of micro teaching program in Arabic language learning aimed to the ability of Arabic teacher in Islamic Boarding School Ar-Raudhatul Hasanah Medan in the Arabic language support. This research is using the qualitative method. The technique for this data collection is using interview, documentation and observation, analysis data technique is using data reduction, data available and taking a summary. The checking of valid data is using triangulation, reference data and the writer’s attention. This research is located at Ar-Raudhatul Hasanah Islamic Boarding School. The time of research is started from March to October 2016. The research concludes that the implementation of micro teaching program for Arabic language teacher in Islamic boarding school Ar-raudhatul Hasanah is planning based on the concept plan include formulating learning goals. This program to increase the competency Arabic language for Islamic pupil in the learnig process and impraving the ability of student to understand the material contained within each core discussion of Arabic language teacher preparation, class preparation, measure of student learning activities and evaluation learning. The application of this methods is conversation learning tools, speech, discussion and writing. In this activity using interviews and testing program with the audio target that is expected the and of the activities is assessed with decription maturity of learning Arabic language. The teacher capacity or ability of Arabic language is to caltivate the spirit of love for the Arabic teacher improving quality and provide the positive effects and give the comprehensive and developed the teaching concept. Kata kunci: Micro Teaching, Bahasa Arab, Pesantren

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