
Abstract Children are the nation successor that need to be protected in order to be able to grow up to become qualified and will not be a burden to the development of the country in the future. Children growth and development can be stimulated through activity of playing. This is why it is needed to create a certain condition that enables children to play safely and healthily which is called children-friendly environment. City or District or village Government’s role and the society’s role is important in realizing children-friendly kampong as the implementation of City or District policy that is feasible for children. This research is aimed to know the implementation of children-friendly kampong at Badran, Yogyakarta. Kampong of Badran is chosen as research location on the based of Badran is the kampong where the first trial of forming children-friendly kampong in Yogyakarta and is turning out well.The research subjects are those directly involved in the implementation of children-friendly kampong, consisting of government authoritative personnel, the task force team and the society, while the research objects are the implementation of children-friendly kampong, supporting factors and its obstacles. The research is conducted through a qualitative descriptive approach and that of indepth interview method and observation. The data is analyzed descriptively by understanding the observation result data and interview so that it describes the implementation of children-friendly kampong or Kampung Ramah Anak (=KRA). The research result shows that the implementation of children-friendly kampong that refers to the 7 indicators of evaluation describes the good result in which the 7 indicators are fulfilled so that it is able to build up parents’ and society’s awareness of the importance of protecting and fulfilling children rights. It creates a certain condition that enables to fulfill children rights through children-friendly kampong manifestation, yet enforces the potential of growing up optimally for children towards the condition of carrying out Indonesian children welfare. Keywords: program implementation; children-friendly kampong; children welfare

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