
This research was conducted to describe the implementation of the ecopreneurship program in ADHD students including the characteristics, approach/method, parties involved, the impact, and the obstacles of implementation of ecopreneurship program in ADHD students in Inclusive Elementary School. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method conducted at SDN Cibabat Mandiri 2 Kota Cimahi. The subject of this study was ADHD students as the primary informant supported by secondary data from orthopedagog, classroom teachers, and extracurricular teachers. Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be known that ADHD students have very active characteristics and tend to be impulsive when participating in ecopreneur ship programs, but the assisted learning approach through scaffolding method is the key to the teacher's success in directing ADHD students to stay focused on the ecopreneurship program. The implementation of ecopreneurship's program has 3 main impacts on the development of ADHD students, including (1) Internalization of ecopreneurship values; (2) improvement of life skills; and (3) the creation of social interactions as an effort to improve the competence of ADHD students. The results of this study are new findings and can be used as a reference for Inclusive Elementary School in providing an overview of the internalization of ecopreneurship values in ADHD students as a reference for teachers or orthopedagog in developing innovative environmentally based learning patterns in ADHD students in Inclusive Elementary School.


  • This research was conducted to describe the implementation of ecopreneurship program in Attention Deficit Hyperaktivity Disorder (ADHD) students including: the characteristics, approach / method, parties involved, the impact, and the obstacles of implementation ecopreneurship program in ADHD students in Inclusive Elementary School

  • This research was conducted to describe the implementation of ecopreneurship program in ADHD students including

  • This research uses qualitative approach with case study method conducted at SDN Cibabat Mandiri 2 Kota Cimahi

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Karakteristik dan Tujuan Program Ecoprenuership bagi Siswa ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) yaitu sebuah gangguan pada perkembangan otak yang menyebabkan penderitanya menjadi hiperaktif, impulsif, serta susah memusatkan perhatian. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan GPK dan Guru kelasnya ada beberapa kemungkinan penyebab ST mengalami ADHD, salah satunya adalah ketika di usia kandungan 7 bulan perkembangan janin ST sudah diketahui berbeda dengan anak normal pada umunya, hal itu terlihat dari bentuk kepala ST yang tidak proporsional dengan tubuhnya, dan hal tersebut yang memungkinkan penyebab kinerja otak ST tidak seperti anak normal pada umumnya, lebih jelasnya dapat dilihat melalui hasil wawancara di bawah ini. Namun apabila dalam konteks pembelajaran, ST adalah salah satu siswa yang perlu mendapatkan perhatian khusus, karena berkaitan dengan riwayat ADHD yang dialaminya yang mengakibatkan ST tidak pernah bisa fokus, seperti yang disampaikan oleh GPK dan guru kelasnya melalui hasil wawancara di bawah ini.

Siswa ADHD terbiasa untuk memilah sampah sesuai dengan jenisnya
Melatih interaksi dan sosialisasi mereka dalam memperjualbelikan produk
Hambatan-Hambatan Siswa ADHD dalam melaksanakan Program Ecoprenuership
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