
The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of learning at SMAS Al Ma'arif and SMKN 3 Cilegon, curriculum development in 2013 as well as opportunities, obstacles and challenges for implementing 2013 Curriculum Development in the implementation of Islamic Education learning at SMAS Al Ma'arif and SMKN 3 Cilegon. This research uses descriptive qualitative research. The results showed SMA Al Ma'arif and SMK Negeri 3 Cilegon 1) Implementation of Islamic Education in SMAS Al Ma'arif and SMKN 3 Cilegon, In general, they have implemented learning based on the 2013 curriculum although it is not yet perfect, this is evidenced by the cultivation of religious values. and development of character education through school literacy activities carried out at the beginning and end of learning and using IT-based learning methods; 2) The development of the 2013 curriculum at SMAS Al Ma'arif and SMK Negeri 3 Cilegon has been well developed, although there are slight differences at Al Ma'arif High School, the excellence is through mulok lessons and cross-interest subjects while at SMKN 3 Cilegon the demands of the world of work and science and technology as well as local content in both Intracurricular and Extracurricular activities; 3) Implementation of 2013 Curriculum Development in the implementation of Islamic Education learning at SMAS Al Ma'arif and SMKN 3 Cilegon in general has been going well although it is not yet perfect with the differences at Al Ma'arif High School, limited facilities and PAI learning media affect skills assessment, but work The same and exemplary all teacher councils provide positive values ​​to students, while at SMKN 3 Cilegon students lack interest in reading the Qur'an and the formation of learning groups for learning to read and write the Qur'an requires the cooperation of parents, teachers and school committees.


  • Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan pembelajaran di SMAS Al Ma’arif dan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMKN) 3 Cilegon, Pengembangan kurikulum 2013 serta peluang, hambatan dan tantangan implementasi Pengembangan Kurikulum 2013 pada pelaksanaan pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) di SMAS Al Ma’arif dan SMKN 3 Cilegon

  • The results showed Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) Al Ma'arif and SMK Negeri 3 Cilegon 1) Implementation of Islamic Education in SMAS Al Ma'arif and SMKN 3 Cilegon, In general, they have implemented learning based on the 2013 curriculum although it is not yet perfect, this is evidenced by the cultivation of religious values. and development of character education through school literacy activities carried out at the beginning and end of learning and using IT-based learning methods; 2) The development of the 2013 curriculum at SMAS Al Ma'arif and SMK Negeri 3 Cilegon has been well developed, although there are slight differences at Al Ma'arif High School, the excellence is through mulok lessons and cross-interest subjects while at SMKN 3 Cilegon the demands of the world of work and science and technology as well as local content in both Intracurricular and Extracurricular activities; 3) Implementation of 2013 Curriculum Development in the implementation of Islamic Education learning at SMAS Al Ma'arif and SMKN 3 Cilegon in general has been going well although it is not yet perfect with the differences at Al Ma'arif High School, limited facilities and PAI learning media affect skills assessment, but work The same and exemplary all teacher councils provide positive values to students, while at SMKN 3 Cilegon students lack interest in reading the Qur'an and the formation of learning groups for learning to read and write the Qur'an requires the cooperation of parents, teachers and school committees

  • UU No 20 tahun 2003 pasal 14, jenjang pendidikan formal

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Hasil dan Pembahasan Landasan Implementasi Kurikulum

Implementasi berarti aktivitas, adanya aksi, tindakan, atau mekanisme suatu sistem, yang terencana dan dilakukan secara sungguh-sungguh berdasarkan acuan norma tertentu untuk mencapai tujuan dari suatu kegiatan..[22] implementasi kurikulum yang dituntut untuk melaksanakan secara keseluruhan, apa yang telah direncanakan atau disusun dalam kurikulum pembelajaran,merupakan suatu permasalahan yang amat besar , apabila sesuatu yang telah direncanakan tidak dilaksanakan/bertolak belakang atau menyimpang dari yang telah dirancang maka terjadilah kegagalan apabila antara rancangan dengan implementasi tidak sesuai. Pengembangan tidak selalu menemukan atau menciptakan sesuatu yang baru, tetapi dapat juga merupakan penyesuaian dengan apa yang telah umum untuk menuju kearah yang lebih baik dan inilah yang disebut discovery.[26]. Karena pengembang kurikulum mendasarkan kurikulumnya atas hasil analisis pekerjaan dan kehidupan orang dewasa.27pengembangan kurikulum menurut penulis adalah upaya mengorganisasi dan menciptakan sitem lingkunagn belajar untuk menyampaikan ilmu pengetahuan, sehingga siswa dapat melakukan kegiatan belajar secara efektif dan efisien sehingga mendapatkan hasil yang optimal menuju kearah kedewasaan. Berjangka panjang, jangka menengah, dan jangka pendek, Memilih isi pendidikan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pendidikan yang telah ditentukan 33 Jadi menurut penulis yang menjadi landasan adanya pengembangan kurikulum tidak terlepas dari perkembangan pola piker dan falsafah dari suatu masyarakat sehingga muncullah perubahan-perubahan kurikulum untuk menyelesaikan segala permasalahan-permasalahan yang timbul sesuai dengan keadaan dari perkembangan yang terjadi pada saat tersebut. Tabel 1: Struktur Kurikulum Kelas X, XI, XII MIA SMAS Al Ma’arif Cilegon

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