
Reality of pluralism in the contexs of Indonesia on the one hand, is a challenge towards the implementation of Christian Religious Education. However, on the other hand, Christian Religious Education is becoming very essential for Christians to demonstrate the love of God in the midst of society. Christians are always in touch with adherents of other religions, even that kind of relation feels so strong in various areas of life. This problem triggers how the idea of implementing the Christian Education is relevant in the pluralistic context in Indonesia. This study was analyzed using qualitative research methods through library research techniques. Findings showed that, in the pluralistic context, the implementation of Christian Religious Education in Indonesia as an integral part of the mission can be carried out through three aspects, namely: revitalizing the thinking paradigm about pluralism; interpreting the implementation strategy of Christian Religious Education in a pluralistic society; and mainstreaming and buliding the vision and mission of multicultural based Christian Religious Education.


  • Abstrak: Realitas kemajemukan dalam konteks Indonesia di satu sisi merupakan tantangan terhadap pelaksanaan pendidikan agama Kristen; namun di sisi lain, pendidikan agama Kristen menjadi amat penting bagi orang Kristen untuk mendemonstrasikan kasih Allah di tengah-tengah masyarakat

  • On the other hand, Christian Religious Education is becoming very essential for Christians to demonstrate the love of God in the midst of society

  • Christians are always in touch with adherents of other religions, even that kind of relationship feels so strong in various areas of life

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Metode Penelitian

Digunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif pada jenis deskriptif kualitatif yaitu penelitian yang memberi penekanan quality tentang masalah-masalah sosial. Pendekatan ini sangat relevan karena ditinjau dari esensi topik ini, maka peneliti mengesplor fenomena-fenomena yang tidak dapat dikuantifikasi melainkan mendeskripsikan situasi nyata melalui uraian-uraian yang bertitik tolak dari pengumpulan dan analisis data yang relevan. Pengumpulan data melalui telaah pustaka secara kritis dan mendalam terhadap dokumen yang relevan. Sumber data berupa buku, artikel, majalah yang memuat tentang kemajemukan di Indonesia, Pendidikan Kristen dalam konteks Majemuk

Kemajemukan Sebagai Konteks Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Agama Kristen
Mereinterpretasi Strategi Pelaksanaan PAK
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