
This study aims to describe the ability to understand mathematical concepts, activities and student responses in learning mathematics with realistic mathematics education approach. To achieve this goal, a quasi-experimental study was conducted with one group pretest posttest design. The population of the study was the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 4 Angkola Timur, sampling by purposive sampling, namely class 8-2, totaling 26 students. Research activities include the stages of giving the Pre-test followed by learning for 3 meetings which then ends with a final test. Through research conducted using the Paired Samples Test, a significance of 0.00 < 0.05 was obtained, which gave the decision that the initial hypothesis was accepted. Of the 9 aspects of learning activities studied in the application of realistic mathematics education, the overall average value of the percentage of all activities met the active criteria. Furthermore, the average overall student response to being happy, new, interested and understanding/interested in the implementation of realistic mathematics education is 91.11% ≥ 85%. Thus it is concluded that: 1) The implementation of a realistic mathematics education approach has a significant positive influence in learning students' ability to understand mathematical concepts; 2) Student activities in learning mathematics with realistic mathematics education approach are effective; 3) Student responses to learning activities with realistic mathematics education are in the positive category.


  • Kemampuan pemahaman konsep merupakan suatu kemampuan mendasar matematika yang perlu dikembangkan pada peserta didik pembelajar matematika

  • This study aims to describe the ability to understand mathematical concepts, activities and student responses in learning mathematics with realistic mathematics education approach

  • Peningkatan kemampuan spasial siswa melalui penerapan pembelajaran matematika realistik

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Pelaksanaan penelitian disesuaikan dengan rancangan penelitian yang terdiri dari tes dan implementasi pembelajaran. Implementasi pembelajaran dilaksanakan pada materi persamaan garis lurus dengan pendekatan pendidikan matematika realistik. Implementasi pembelajaran matematika dengan pendekatan pendidikan matematika realistik dapat dilaksanakan melalui tahapan awal, tahapan inti dan tahap akhir. Pada tahapan inti kegiatan pembelajaran siswa dilibatkan dalam pembelajaran secara berkelompok yang masing masing kelompok terdiri dari 45 orang. Membandingkan dan mendiskusikan jawaban yang mana dalam hal ini diberikan kesempatan kepada siswa perwakilan kelompok menyajikan hasil diskusinya didepan kelas, kemudian terjadi interaksi tanya jawab dari siswa atas materi yang disajikan; 5) Menyimpulkan yaitu siswa diarahkan untuk menarik kesimpulan konsep materi pelajaran atau prosedur pemecahan dari masalah yang dipecahkan. Pelaksanaan tes yang meliputi pretes dan postes pada siswa kelas sampel memberikan data hasil capaian siswa pretes dan postes Kemampuan Pemahaman Konsep Matematika (KPKM) siswa yang secara deskriptif dapat dilihat pada tabel 1 berikut

Pretes KPKM
Postes KPKM
Aktivitas yang diamati
Ketertarikan siswa pada penampilan LKPD
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