
The demand for innovative learning methods that support the achievement of learning objectives needs to be continually developed. Alam Ar-Ridho Elementary School Semarang responded to this by developing natural-based learning methods, one of which is outbound. Problems that arise then does SD Alam Ar-Ridho Semarang have requirements that must be met in the outbound activities so that the outbound activities can deliver the students to understand the material of Islamic religion? And how are the efforts made by SD Alam Ar-Ridho Semarang in achieving these requirements? Through a qualitative field approach by combining data triangulation namely observation, interviews and documentation and then analyzed in depth so researchers can find answers to these problems. The results of the field research indicate that SD Alam Ar-Ridho Semarang has a clear Operational Implementation Standard (SOP) for carrying out outbound activities as a learning method so that the safety of students is guaranteed. From the absorption point of the material, a mapping of the target achievement of students' competencies has been made which includes 3 aspects, namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor so that each student has a descriptive learning report. Especially in Islamic religious material learning through outbound activities


  • PENDAHULUAN Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) adalah salah satu materi pelajaran wajib yang diberikan kepada peserta didik yang beragam Islam

  • The demand for innovative learning methods that support the achievement of learning objectives needs to be continually developed

  • SD Alam ArRidho Semarang have requirements that must be met in the outbound activities

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11 Dokumen Sekolah Dasar Alam Ar-Ridho Semarang Al-Aufa

Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kajian Keislaman tersebut biasanya dalam satu kelas satu semester diadakan secara bergantian. 4. Memimpin evaluasi dan refleksi serta menyampaikan kesimpulan akhir kegiatan yang telah dilakukan Di luar kegiatan outbound tenaga pendidik kelas memantau dampak kegiatan terhadap perkembangan sikap, wawasan dan kemampuan murid, yang terkait dengan tujuan dan sasaran outbound kemudian membuat catatan bagi murid yang tidak mengalami perubahan signifikan, untuk diberikan penekanan khusus pada kegiatan tersebut. Tenaga pendidik kelas terkait memberikan pengarahan pada murid mengenai: 1) Aturan main kegiatan , 2) Teknis pengamanan kegiatan, 3) Perawatan alat, 4) Penemuan urutan murid yang akan melakukan kegiatan formasi murid saat pengarahan, dibariskan dalam keadaan rapi dan teratur, 5) Tim instalator dan rescue sudah mendistribusikan kebutuhan peralatan pengamanan yang diperlukan di titik – titik kegiatan yang telah ditentukan. Sehingga secara standar dapat dikatakan bahwa pelaksanaan outbound sekolah alam Ar-Ridho telah memenuhi kriteria baik dari segi peralatan, perlengkapan dan media yang digunakan.

Sebelum kegiatan
Saat kegiatan outbound
Setelah kegiatan outbound
Pemetaan Kompetensi Dasar
Pemilihan atau menentukan tema
Penyusunan silabus dan program pembelajaran tematik
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