
One of the problems of students' lack of kalam and qiroah abilities is the lack of teaching methods used by coaches. For example, many teachers still use the lecture method in teaching any maharah. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify and provide alternative learning methods, especially for maharah kalam and istima`. This study aims to find out the steps for using the phonetic method in learning maharah istima' and kalam for beginners. This research is a library research using a qualitative descriptive approach. With the Maharah Kalam and Istima` learning phonetic methods for the beginner level, the focus is on repetition and pronunciation of phonemes properly and correctly. The phonetic method begins with practicing distinguishing Arabic phonemes, namely hijaiyah letters, then continues with distinguishing words or mufrodat that are similar in pronunciation. Pronunciation with good makhraj and intonation needs to be continuously guarded so that learning has a high success rate.

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