
A book is the result of someone's work in the form of a collection of papers containing articles intended for publication. One of the benefits of books is that they can open people's horizons and can educate reason, thoughts and faith. Indonesia is ranked 60 out of 61 countries with reading interest problems causing low public interest in reading. One of the factors that can be taken into consideration for interest in reading in Indonesia is the difficulty in finding books to read because the many kinds of books in circulation make it difficult for readers to decide which books to read, besides that readers only want to read books with the best reputation. The purpose of creating a book recommendation system is to make it easier to find fiction-type books to read. The data used in this design are book data and rating data from Kaggle. This design uses one of the recommendation system methods, namely collaborative filtering. Collaborative filtering is a recommendation method that calculates similarity between items by users to make choices. The system will recommend 5 books according to the book title that the user will input.

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